H E L P     P A G E

Load a Session
Choose the file to upload :

Session re-Initialised
to default values
Xmin= -2 ≤ x ≤ +2
Xmax= -2 ≤ x ≤ +2

Ymin= -1.5 ≤ y ≤ +1.5
Ymax= -1.5 ≤ y ≤ +1.5

Xrez= ≤1024
Yrez= ≤768

Max Iterations= ≤255

Be carefull applying high values to Xrez, Yrez and Iterations

or Combination of negative ( RED + GREEN + BLUE + WHITE ) channels
or Combination of negative ( CYAN + YELLOW + MAGENTA + BLACK ) channels*
or : Gold
or : RVB
or : Rainbow
or : Solaris
or : Terra
or : Delirium
or : Incognita

   -          -       -       -   


:: Move the crosshair on the picture to find out (x,y) values.
:: Click left a first time to fix the first coordinates.
:: Move the crosshair on the picture to find out (x,y) values.
:: Click left a second time to fix the last coordinates.
:: Press the "CoMpUtE" button to proceed zooming in.

     Click on the image to set the first point

Current X :

Current Y :

Opera is faster than Firefox which is faster than Internet Explorer...

Page generated in 0.004158 seconds,
Image generated in processing... seconds for 1126400 operations.

Processing... floating operations per second (flops).